Tuesday, October 15, 2013



Educational Technology 2 is concerned with integrating technology into teaching and learning. It focuses on introducing, supplementing and extending the technology and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary user’s of educational technology. One of the goal of educational technology is to help the target learners to weave technology with software (computer learning materials) to become a natural extension on their learning tools.

            Educational technology 2 involves a deeper understanding of the computer as well as hands on application of computer skills. It enhancing teaching and learning through technology integration. The aims of this are: To infuse technology in the students- teachers training. Helping them to adapt and meet the rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in thriving global information and communication technology (ICT) environment.


            I have learned that learning this kind of topic is very useful in our country and it also be a great use for professional teacher, school administrator, teacher educators and in fact anyone who is interested on how information technology can be use to improve not only in instruction but also in the management program curriculum. Through this I have learned that using technology can be a great help for us. It can also help us to discover some inventions for the preparation for the next generation.

In addition, the plain and simple truth is that today’s world has changed. No longer do we learn in the isolation of a classroom. No longer is memorization of facts and figures the goal. To keep up with our ever changing global community with all its complexities, we must learn to be complex problems solvers, to be able to work collaboratively, to be good digital, global and community citizens, to develop higher order thinking skills, to become experts in something that we are passionate about, to be able to discern good information from bad and to be competitive in the global workplace regardless of or chosen career.

Technology assists us in obtaining all of these skills. More so today than every before in history, students have the ability to research any topic. They are not bound by classroom or library walls. Technology has opened doors to a seemingly infinite well of information, which is not always accurate. Therefore, they need to learn how to sift through it all and get the “good stuff.” This seemingly infinite well of information and current bank of technology has also allowed students to truly invest themselves in their education by developing personal educational plans or studying fields of particular interest to them. When students are actively engaged in their own learning to reach his or her own ultimate potential, everybody wins.

In short, as future educators, we are not teaching our students to work in jobs existing in the past or perhaps even the present, we are facilitating our students’ education so that they will be able to succeed in the jobs of the future! These may be jobs that do not even exist today! So in this ever-changing global society of ours, we need to keep focused on what is in the best interest of our students by providing them the opportunities and tools that they will need for their future. So, I can say that Educational Technology is indeed vital and important in education.

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